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Late/Absence Procedures

Reporting your child absent

If your child is off sick or will be absent from school, we need to be informed by 9.30am at the latest. To use the pupil absence line please call the school and press 1 and leave your child’s name, class and a brief message explaining why they are absent from school. If we do not hear from you by 9.30am then your child will be marked as having unauthorised absence.


Attendance Intervention system and procedures

Homer First School will follow the intervention system outlined below:
95% and under = a reminder letter
85%-90% following reminder letter and a drop in attendance = warning letter and interview with parent/carer to discuss support
85% and below= referral to EWO initiating meeting between parent/carers, EWO and Headteacher.


Did you know?
• 90% attendance (10% absence) – is the equivalent of missing half a day per week every week of the year.

• Arriving 10 minutes late every day is the equivalent to almost a whole hour of lessons missed each week for your child, which over the year adds up to nearly 2 weeks of learning.

If you are running late and arrive after 8.45am, please come to the main reception and buzz the intercom on the wall.
