Welcome to the Friends of Homer Page
Now that your child has joined the School, you have automatically become a Friend of Homer!
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is Friends of Homer?
•FOH is a fundraising body to enhance the experience of your child at the School. You can get as involved as little or as much you want to – though the more the merrier!
•Through the School year, we run a variety of events and activities to both raise money and have fun!
What have FOH funded at the School?
Between 2012 and early 2024, FOH have spent over £25,000 from fundraising.
Highlights from the 2023/24 school year included:
1. £500 spent on new classroom books from money raised at the school book fair
2. Providing outdoor games for the new Quiet Area in the playground.
3. £1000 spent on new musical instruments and an ipad for use by the whole school during music lessons
4. Running a cake sale for each class where pupils could choose how the money raised was then spent. Items bought included board games, stationary, books and sport equipment.
Who are the committee?
There are a small group of parents and carers serving on the Committee. Our task is to define the fundraising schedule of events, make them all happen, and agree with the School how the money raised will be spent. We approach this with 2 main aims 1. Raise some money 2. Have some fun!
How do I find out what is going on?
We regularly provide updates through a number of means including letters in book bags, Parentmail, 'Friends of Homer' Facebook page , posters, and via our Notice board on the wall in the Playground.
Always keep a lookout for news!!
How do I get involved?
You can become as involved as much as you like! From being a committee member, to helping out at events, there is always help needed, and the more people we have, the easier it is manage events, and also to make more money!
For events where you are working with children and the parents/carers are not present, you will need to be DBS checked. This is a very straightforward, simple procedure, and forms are available from the school office.
Contact us with any questions, to volunteer or find out more! Email:
We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!