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Year 3/4- Sapphire

Art- Prehistoric Pallet

During our art lessons this term we have been looking at prehistoric forms of art. To really understand how they would have created art thousands of years ago, we went out into our woodland walk and looked to see what natural resources would make certain colours.

Year 3/4 Football competition

Our Year 4s had a fantastic time on our residential trip to Ufton Court. We learnt all about life in Roman Britain. We started off by learning the skills needed to help around the towns and villages; making wattling, fire making and spinning yarn. Following this the Roman army recruited ALL of our pupils to become soldiers.  They trained us in their different formations and made us battle ready. That evening we learnt all about crime and punishment before going for a Roman banquet.

On day two it was all about battle! We acted out the Roman invasion of Celtic Britain and the battles against Boudica and her Iceni tribe.

It was a brilliant couple of days and our pupils did us proud.

Earthquake proof structures

Christmas Lunch

Christmas Through the Keyhole at All Saints Church

Today we had a fabulous day baking biscuits. Using our market research (yes we really did have to taste lots of biscuits as part of our "work"), we designed our own biscuits and packaging. The whole of KS2 went into the hall and worked together in groups to create these delicious creations!

Science- Digestion experiment

Romans Day 15.11.2024


We have had a fantastic day learning and immersing ourselves in everything the Romans did. We spent our morning learning about the different emperors; the ways in which the Roman's have shaped modern society (including flushing toilets!); played the games which the Roman soldiers would have played; and examined artefacts from the Roman empire. 

Following a well deserved lunchbreak, we got into soldier mode! We discovered how the Roman army was so formidable and well trained. We learnt how all about the different pieces of equipment they had; how to throw javelins; how to march and the Latin instructions; and we learnt how to stand in the testudo formation (a shield wall). Following honing our battler skills, we create a colosseum to watch some of our finest gladiators battle it out, with our emperor deciding if they should live... or not!

WSP- Basketball competition

Blue for Diabetes Day

The Romans- Hadrians Wall

As part of our Romans unit we have been learning about Hadrian's wall and the historical importance of it. To bring it to life, we created our own version with lego. We split into groups and made forts, milecastles and turrets before combing them together to finish our creation. The children got really into this and enjoyed the ability to make history hands on and practical. 

Our Learning- Autumn Term 2

Coming up next half term:


Maths-  Multiplication and Division 

English-  Non-fiction unit on explanation texts

Science-  Our Amazing Bodies (including teeth and digestion)

Computing-  Touch Typing

History-  How the Romans changed Britain

DT- Adapting a Recipe

So far this term:


Sapphire have had an exciting start to the year!

In Maths we started off looking at place value and understand the relationship between ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. We have then looked at how to partition and aggregate numbers to make working with them more efficient by with mental and written methods. We have then taken on these skills to start working on addition and subtraction. We have looked at how to use our number bonds to see if we need to do any grouping and therefore whether a mental method or a more formal written method be more appropriate. On top of this, we have been taking part in the NCETM mastering number at KS2 programme which is helping us with multiplicative reasoning. We have been looking at unitising amounts, doubling and halving, and the 5 and 10 times table and how they are linked.


In English, we started with some work on poetry where we wrote our own acrostics, kennings and list poems about a range of topics whilst practicing some grammatical skills. Following this, we moved onto a narrative unit with a focus on characters that have a flaw (a bad habit). We got to know our focus text 'Vain Vera' and learned it in various ways, such using a text map, creating actions to retell it and creating a puppet show. After that, we planned, drafted and published our own story featuring a character we had created. 


Our Science topic this term is Our Amazing Bodies. So far, we have learned about skeletons and muscles and how they work. 


In Computing we have been improving our coding skills using 2Code on Purple Mash. We have been using various different functions and learning how to nest code together to get them to work in a sequence.  


The History topic is Romans. In lessons we have discovered how the Roman Empire grew,  when and why the Romans invaded Britain, what made the Roman army so strong and how Boudicca led the Celts in a rebellion against the Romans. We have also looked at the lasting impact that the Romans had on Britain, exploring some of the evidence of their empire which we still see in modern Britain (such as the spas at Bath, Roman numerals used in our Monarchy and Aqueducts).


In Art we have been learning about how to use different mediums to create different styles of art. We have played with proportion and texture. Our range of pieces can be seen below, we particularly enjoyed using charcoal, creating our own scratch art, and making collages.


In French we have been learning how to introduce ourselves and ask each other questions such as Comment Ca Va? During our PE lessons we have been learning how to play touch rugby. We have learnt the key rules to the game and the skill of passing. As a class we are working hard on our communication whilst taking part in sport and ensuring that we are using positive reinforcement to our team mates.


In our PSHE lessons we have been learning about breaking down barriers to ensure that everyone can take part. We know that as a class that everybody is important and deserve equal opportunity. 


Finally, in RE we have been learning about Hinduism and about how Hindus use the Trimurti to guide them in their faith. 

Today we worked in groups to create prints. We created them by etching out of polystyrene, using rollers and sponges. The class had great fun and enjoyed working together whilst being creative and sharing ideas.

Halloween Mufti

Power Prints- Scratch Art


This term we have been exploring using different prints and playing with proportion and texture to create different piece of art. Over two weeks we created our own scratch art and then used collages that we created earlier in the unit of work as inspiration. As you can see, Sapphire have created some striking pieces of art.

MacMillan Coffee morning



In our English this term we are looking at character flaw stories, where our main character has a flaw with her character. Vera is extremely vain and the story explores how this negatively impacts her before she learns the error of her ways. We have learnt about the style of story and the structure through creating actions for the story and retelling it using puppets, as seen below.

Mr Finney- Class Teacher


I am the teacher for Sapphire class and this is going to be my sixth year at Homer. My aim is to make everyday exciting and filled with opportunities to learn. I enjoy teaching all subjects but you will see me get extremely enthusiastic (and competitive) during PE lessons. Outside of the classroom I enjoy playing sports, seeing friends and family, and going for walks with my wife, daughters Delilah and Bronwyn and our dog Matilda. I cannot wait to see you all grow and succeed during your time in Sapphire class!
