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Year 3 - Opal Class

Mrs Clark 

I am the Opal Class teacher. I have been at Homer for 7 Years and I have taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I enjoy teaching all subjects, but my favourite lessons are Art and DT as I love learning different creative techniques and experimenting with different materials. I have two daughters, one is at Dedworth Middle and one at this school, and they love coming here as much as I do. When I am not at school I really enjoy spending time with my family, completing crafting activities and reading books, on my own or with my children. I am looking forward to getting to know my new class in September and having lots of fun together. 


Mrs Bleach

I teach in several classes, often teaching Science as I really enjoy finding out about things and helping you to investigate the world. My main hobby is music - I play the piano, clarinet and flute and I enjoy singing in a choir every week. You'll often find me singing to myself! I am looking forward to seeing you all again in September and having lots of fun!  


Mrs Buckley

I am one of the teacher assistants in Opal class which is a year three class. I have been working at Homer for nearly twenty-four years and both of my children went to Homer and were very happy. I do a phonics and reading group every morning and really enjoy working with children and seeing them progress. I also have two Hungarian Vizslas which I enjoy walking every day. 


Mrs Salmon

Hello, my name is Mrs Salmon and I am the teaching assistant in Opal class. I love working at Homer, I really enjoy telling stories and getting into character, being creative and learning through the world around us. When I am not at school, I love spending time with my family, walking my dogs, shopping and going on lovely holidays.


Christmas through the keyhole

DT - biscuits

Reindeer visit

Roman Day

Diabetes Day!

Science - Learning about the digestive system

Autumn Term 1

Opal Class have had a great start to the year. In Maths, we have been working through our White Rose units for Year 3. The first was place value where we worked on partitioning and recombining 3-digit numbers, comparing and ordering numbers and rounding to the nearest 1, 10 or 100. The second unit has been addition and subtraction. In this unit we have started looking at mental strategies for adding and subtracting through bridging to the next whole number. For this we used the Base 10 for support, which really helped the children when we crossed over to the next 10 or 100. We have also been re-visiting our 2, 5 and 10 times-tables using TTRS for support.


In English, we started with some work on poetry where we wrote our own acrostics and kennings poems about ourselves. Then, we moved onto a narrative unit with a focus on characters that have a bad habit. We explored our focus text 'Vain Vera' and learned it using a text map. After that, we planned, drafted and published our own story featuring a character we had created. 


Our Science topic this term is Our Amazing Bodies. So far, we have learned about skeletons and muscles and how they work. We made hands with moving fingers and learnt that we only have 3 bones in each finger.

In Computing, we have been improving our coding skills using 2Code on Purple Mash. We have been learned to make sure our codes don’t have missing sections as this will cause out object to malfunction.


The History topic is Romans. In lessons we have discovered how the Roman Empire grew, why the Romans invaded Britain, what made the Roman army so strong and how Boudicca led the Celts in a rebellion against the Romans. 


In Art we have been experimenting with different type of media including charcoal, paint, collage and have even created our own scratch art pictures, which the children loved!  


As well as all this we have also done plenty of reading plus some PSHE, RE, Music, French and PE.


Coming up next half term:

Maths - Multiplication and Division 

English - non-fiction unit on explanation texts

Science - Our Amazing Bodies (including teeth and digestion)

Computing - Touch Typing

History - How the Romans changed Britain

DT - Adapting a Recipe

Big Maths

Art - scratch pictures

Art - Tile printing

