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Gallery Archive 2023 - 2024

Painting and Mixed Media - Life In Colour

Eco-Warriors 2023-2024

Experimenting with Primary Colours to make Secondary Colours

Christmas Fun in Topaz

Topaz Christmas Party

Art - Decorating and painting stones to add to our school stone snake!

Topaz - Following instructions - Making our own bread rolls.

DT - Designing, Creating and Evaluating Puppets - KS1

Coronation Fun!

World Book Day

Mental Health Week (6.2.23 to 10.2.23) - How we connect to each other

NSPCC Number Day Fun in Emerald Class - February 2023

KS1 - Design Technology - Stability Investigation

Reindeer Run for Thames Valley Hospice, December 2022

Science - Creating a new pet

KS1 Art - Mark making with shapes using different media - Inspired by Kandinsky