Uniform Information
Uniform Information
Our customised uniform, which carries the school logo, can be purchased direct from PMG Schoolwear.
Please click on the link below:-
If you have any difficulties with on-line ordering, please contact their customer services on 01895 809321.
Stikins® Name Labels (no sewing or ironing required).
Label Planet supplies Stikins® - personalised, multipurpose name labels that stick onto all school items, including clothes, shoes, dishwasher items and general school items. They can be ordered at any time of the year and will be despatched directly to parents' home addresses. Please quote our unique reference number 36057 when ordering and you will help to raise money for our school.
Click here to order Stikins® name labels and raise money for the school.
Our school uniform provider is PMG Schoolwear.
At Homer, our colours are red and grey:
- Grey trousers (with grey socks), skirts or pinafores (with white socks/red or grey tights)
- Red or white polo shirts and red sweatshirts or cardigans (bearing the school logo)
- In the summer girls may wear red and white checked or striped dresses with white socks and boys may wear grey shorts with grey socks
- Children are expected to wear sensible black shoes (not trainers)
All clothing must be named
PE Kit
- Plain white T-shirt
- Trainers
- Tracksuit top & bottoms
- Black shorts
In the interests of hygiene and safety, long hair must be tied back
All PE kit must be named.
The wearing of jewellery, except watches and stud earrings is not permitted. (These must be removed for PE and games - children must remove and replace their own earrings)
What your child needs – at a glance
- School uniform
- PE kit (including trainers)
- PE bag
- Bookbag (Reading Folder)
- Lunchbox (or order lunch on-line via SCOPAY)
- Breaktime snack (fruit only)
- Bottle of water (spill proof bottle)